Prepare for Cyclone Season: How Broome Insurance Can Help Safeguard Your Assets
As the Kimberley region heads into another cyclone season, it's essential to stay prepared. Although the Bureau of Meteorology predicts an "average" cyclone season for 2024/25, it’s important to note that warmer ocean temperatures are increasing the likelihood of severe tropical cyclones.
Broker Insurance Vs. Bank Insurance: What’s the difference?
If you are planning to buy an insurance product, do not blindly trust what the bank employees and their online website advise. They are not necessarily trained, qualified and have in-depth knowledge in relation to the insurance product offered.
BOM expects more cyclones than usual
Australia is at heightened risk of an above-average number of tropical cyclones until May, and also that they will develop earlier than usual.
What To Review In Your Business At The Start Of FY23
With the 2021/22 financial year done and dusted, now's the time to get shipshape for the next 12 months. As well as your finances, though, have you made time in your schedule to review your insurance cover?
Cyclone Reinsurance Pool - Frequently asked questions
The Australian Government is implementing a reinsurance pool for cyclones and related flood damage, which will be backed by a $10 billion Government guarantee and cover household, strata, and small business property insurance policies.
Why Most SMEs Don’t Worry About This Risk, But Should?
Cybercrime costs the Australian economy $42 billion annually, says the University of NSW. It estimates just one-fifth of online crime is reported.
Cyclone Reinsurance Pool Won't Deliver Expected Savings
Not great news for potential savings on insurance premiums here in Broome based on the following article we received today.
How a Business Continuity Plan Can Help Protect Your Firm
If the past two years have taught us anything, it’s that disaster can strike at any time and businesses need to be ready. Help safeguard your operations by creating a business continuity plan today.
What Can We Learn From Our 1-in-a-1000-Year Floods?
Australian businesses and homeowners can draw on insights from the recent 1-in-a-1000-year floods to better protect their assets with planning, retrofitting, and more risk minimisation.
About To Sign a Commercial Lease? Check Out These Tips
Before signing a commercial lease, clarify your and the landlord’s obligations and responsibilities. These include permitted use, terms, costs, maintenance, guarantees and insurance for the premises.
What You Need to Know about Working with Contractors
Flexibility is the main reason businesses hire contractors. Think of it as your surge capacity to onboard swiftly, deal temporarily with skill shortages, try before you hire and protect your bottom line. But hiring and managing contractors opens up a new suite of risks for your business.
Reinsurance pool for cyclones and related flood damage
The Government is implementing a reinsurance pool for cyclones and related flood damage, which will be backed by a $10 billion Government guarantee and cover household, residential strata and small business property insurance policies.
It Was Sexual Harassment Out-Of-Hours But Occurred “At Work”
A deputy president has found conduct that occurred while two workers were driving to and from work, and on out-of-hours phone calls, occurred "at work", as per Fair Work Commission's.
What is an Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA)
Did you know that if you decide to pay your staff at a higher pay rate than the Award rate, pay more than the Award allowances or alter working conditions but most Awards state that you must have an IFA in place signed by both you and the employee
Do You Know The Correct Award Pay Rates You Should Be Paying?
It’s important that you understand which Award/s apply to your business and you need to know as there could be a number of Awards you need to pay your employees
How Ukraine’s War Affects Your Insurance And More
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is set to have severe repercussions in Australia. Businesses are now at a higher risk of cyber attacks, increased commodity prices for imports and exports, inflation and pricier insurance premiums as a result of the attack.
Need To Claim Flood Damage for Your Business? Use These Tips
When a flood hits, staying safe and finding headspace to claim on your insurance for damage can be stressful. Improve your chances of a quick and fair resolution by following these tips, once you’re safe of course.
Are You Employing An Employee Or An Independent Contractor?
The High Court of Australia delivered decisions which hold that to determine whether a person is an employee or independent contractor it is necessary to look at the legal rights and obligations agreed under the relevant contract.
Unpaid Pandemic Leave Entitlements Extended In Many Awards
The Fair Work Commission has extended the entitlement to unpaid pandemic leave under Schedule X in many awards. Leave taken under Schedule X now needs to start by 30 June 2022.