Boat Insurance
Does your boat insurance allow you to go past the 26th parallel and stay comprehensively insured? Some insurers require you to get approval to do this. Often with an increased premium.
It is getting difficult to obtain cover for your vessel in the Broome area. We can help you navigate the complex process of insuring watercraft in the Kimberley, providing tailored boat insurance and comprehensive boat coverage to suit your needs.
Our staff live local, work local and are part of the Broome Community.
We understand the Broome insurance challenges.
We have access to a broader market and can use our network strength to find the best good deal for you.
Expertise in insurance to ensure that their clients have the right level of cover for their individual circumstances, and aren’t left exposed in any way.
To get a quote or to find out more about which policy is right for you, contact David Keys in our Broome office on 08 9192 5120.